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Friday, July 20, 2007

Alkalize or Die

That’s my new attitude for this season. I’m not changing my training program for this bike for this upcoming season. I’m changing the training program for what goes in my mouth. Last year I went into the season at 188lbs at 8.3% body fat, and this year I’m shooting for 180lbs and my weapon is alkalizing.

Now, I have known enough about what alkalizing does for the body. But after reading Robert Young’s book, “Sick and Tired” and “ Alkalize or Die “, I realize I can really take this healthy eating to another level. Check out what he has to say: So from the day I got back from my wedding trip at a weight of 197lbs (Normally, 190lbs at this time of year), I have changed what I put into my mouth and I’m going to stay steadfast in the new program.

The book states that your ratio of Alkalizing to Acidic should be 80%/20%, to the sight. That means if you have a salad, it shouldn’t be loading with chicken, bacon, and croutons to were the ratio is more like 65%/35%. It should be 80% food that is alkalizing, and 20% anything else.

The plan is to get as lean as I can, and by eating Alkalizing foods and I hope it’s going to make my body more efficient when it comes to training, racing, recovery time, flushing metabolic waste, etc. I also read up a lot about how bad for the body the 2 mercury filling I have and what they are doing to my body. The second project is getting the mercury filling out. When I was up at Hippocrates Institute for Health, I got my blood analyzed and Dr. David said he thinks one of my fillings was cracked and did an X-Ray. Sure enough, it was, and he stated that the body is magnificent in its ability to neutralized toxins and poisons. He said the body will encapsulate any bad toxins and store them in the colon in mucoid plaque, or in the kidney or liver in the form of stones to keep the ph of the body at 7.365 and prevent the body from being flooded with these toxins and poisons. This process those overtax your liver and kidneys. This process of eating foods that are high acidic will make your body retain more water to store the poisons and toxins in the fat along with vitamins. That is why a person can go without food for several weeks. It’s because the body is using the vitamins that is stored in the fat as energy, while it’s flushing out the toxins and poisons.

I’m secretly aiming for a little bit of weight loss during this time, but what I really want is to be able to race stronger because my body is more alkalized. I worked for the vitamin company that owns Metrx/Worldwide, so I’m just going to put all the knowledge “In Play” for this season and see how it goes.

I wont’ really report anything on this; I’m going to wait until just before my first 13hr race in Santos. I will post before and after pics, though.

Wish me luck

Pacer Out!


Blogger Unknown said...

Best of luck! I'll get your races posted sometime today. I'm doing three separate 1 hour rides throughout the day today, so will do it between those.

July 21, 2007 at 9:08 AM

Blogger Brian Pace said...

Mallie, thanks a bunch. I appreciate. Btw, I learned how to go back and put in my older posts. 2 questions. How can I put a link in my post that will go to other's rider's blogs. How can I put in the links to all my videos on the right side. After that, I'll be out of your hair. The more I experiment, the more I learn how to do things.

Thanks though

July 21, 2007 at 1:02 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Just copy the code in one of the links I've already created and then make the changes to the URL and the name you want to show.

Send me one of the links to a video (I know you've sent me some already) and I'll set it up...then you can copy and paste these too.

July 22, 2007 at 4:15 PM


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